Children's Home


he proposal is to acquire an extent of 2 hectares of land within a short distance from the centre for establishing the childrens home and oldage home for the protection and care of poor children and neglected old men and also for all other facilities as 10 Units.

Items In lakhs (INR)
Cost of 18 hectares of land 1080.00
Cost of construction at Rs.11000 per sq.m 880.00
Electrification 450.00
Land development, roads 758.00
Over head water tanks 436.00
Furniture/Fixtures/Chairs 875.00
Gardening/Planting 345.00
Machinery/Vehicles 297.00
Food Expenditure for 500 inmates 500 x 1000 x 2 690.00
Other common facilities 945.00
Total 6756.00

Per unit Rs. 67.56 crores x 10units : 675 Crores