About Sivaprasadam Ashramam Trust


ivaprasadam Ashramam Trust was formed during the month of November 2004. At the inception it made a survey of the people in its chosen territory and drew out action plan for implementation of welfare measures to the poor people of the area. At the day of opening ceremony the trust has supplied dresses to the poor.

We Stand for a Noble Cause

As an initial step of the Trust, educational help has been given to 3 deserving students pursuing primary education thereby avoided them from dropping out of the school. It has identified widows, aged people and BPL sector people so that only apt and deserving people receive its aid. During the second year of operation the trust has organized free health camp to the cattle and supplied medicines and feeds free of cost. The trust found it as a crucial help for those who have met a tragedy in their life by which a heavy blow to the family earning. The situation like sudden demise of the family bread earner or due to the accident of the family head etc.

In such a situation the family suffered for survival. The Sivaprasadam Ashramam Trust extended its helping hand by giving financial support just to earn their bread up to recover from the shock. It also gave help top the aged isolated by their children. House repair help was given as a sample measure and evaluated its cost benefit analysis and found that by conducting of marriage to couples by giving free Thali and household foods and gift will attract the mass and this will eradicate the social evil of sown system and the abuse of caste barrier through inter-caste marriages. As in the previous year due to the success of the seed capital to cattle project the second year also valuable help given to various deserving beneficiaries.

Administrative Structure

The trust has five trustees Paramacharya KV Thampi as the Managing Trustee, S Venkata Ramana, Jijo MP, MP Akhil, S Unnikrishnan as Trustees. The trustees have a good sense of charity and diving all or part of their income for charity. They have no issues and their entire belongings are vested for charity. The Managing Trustee Paramacharya KV Thampi is actively and hands-on directing the charity drive of the Trust. They have been running the trust successfully for the past years and have good aptitude for charitable activities.

View Project Report [pdf]